Meeting “Round Robin Studies Progression – a view towards pseudo-operational trials” – LOGISTIC INFORMATION

The meeting will be held at the Faculdade de Ciências, University of Porto, Portugal on July 9th 2019. WG1 and WG2 will have separate meetings on the same day at the same Venue.

Prof. Alexandra Guedes is hosting the meeting.

Near the venue:

The Douro Hotel has several rooms available for the WG meeting from 08-07-2019 to 10-07-2019: Single: 57.00 euros and dbl/twin: 65.00 euros, all with breakfast.

You are advised for booking a room as soon as possible by sending an email to the hotel with the following subject: Meeting da Cost Action 16101 a 9 Julho de 2019.

The hotel email address is:

Although the HF hotels are more expensive than the Douro Hotel but there is also the possibility for booking a room with a discount by using the link below

All the HF hotels are very close to the Faculty of Sciences where the meeting will take place

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