ANNOUNCEMENT! WG1 members registration

ANNOUNCEMENT! WG1 meeting will be organized on 9th April 2018 in Brussels.

Brussels WG1 meeting is a meeting for WG1 only in which new specs and samples will be shared to refine and in some respects repeat the RRS1 study. Of course, colleagues who did not participate to the first round can do so now. Only 10 more places (outside the MC members) are available!

Colleagues that belong to WG1 and did not receive the invitation, please notify ASAP by email attaching a brief paragraph of their expertise demonstrating the fit to WG1.

Venue:  COST Association Building,  Avenue Louise 149, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Registration: Email to Prof. Martina Marchetti-Deschmann; first come first served basis

Deadline: 15th March 2018

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